Feds (1988)

Ellie DeWitt and Janis Zuckermann are admitted to the very strict FBI Training Academy. They get a hard course, in which they learn to deal with guns and to recognise crimes. They also get a physical training. It appears that Ellie is a real fighting- machine, in contrast with Janis, the great student. They have to help each other, 'cause only when they pass all the tests, they are allowed to join the FBI

Movie Trailer


I enjoyed the movie FEDS. Would be nice to do part two. Maybe with different characters but the original two characters to be in a training position. Could use a physicaly bigger actress with brains or a group of unlikely characters rejected by society.

Susan Posted: Sun Dec 21 2014 07:49:49 AM


please make feds 2 :)X

syndie Posted: Fri Sep 27 2013 05:10:39 PM

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