National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)

At a 1962 College, Dean Vernon Wormer is determined to expel the entire Delta Tau Chi Fraternity, but those troublemakers have other plans for him.

Movie Trailer


Was in 8th grade when my dad took me to the neighborhood theater to see it - god, we loved that movie!
He wrote a note giving me permission to see it (R, ya know) with older friends the next weekend.
Had the movie poster on my ceiling (above my bed?????) as a teen & I still treasure the Delta gang as an old lady: My family’s fatass cat is named Bluto.
My 8-track soundtrack (which I still have ??????????) helped me navigate the teen years & developed my lifelong appreciation of Sam Cooke.
Most if all, if it’s on when I’m late-night scrolling trying to forget the world’s current shittyness, a road trip to Faber College is an immeasurable comfort as an “adult”.
Thank you for all of this and for all you do to make it a more wonderful world!

Sara D. Patterson Posted: Sun Jul 5 2020 10:40:59 PM


Epic movie!

Anders Havdell Posted: Wed Jul 26 2017 06:33:08 AM

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